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schedule/plan A

plan A

설명 : 예정대로라면 앞으로의 일정을 적는곳이었지만. 현재는 진행상태가 되어버린 plan A.
         다양한 일정관리를 해보았지만 실패. 색상별 등급방식을 도입했지만. 뭔가 하기는 하는데 불필요한 일을 하게됨.
         프로젝트 그룹을 색상으로 통일.하니 업무집중도와 방향성이 좋아짐.

service time AM 10:00 ~ PM 10:00

all functions are the API that a user can always call.
service name : 1k (memo, ajax_timer, characters, height, weight, sight, weather, future diary, ip update, good company, sales, price, world history, etc)
service name : talk (chat, brodcast, act, make animation, etc)

service name : 3min (text, video, etc)
service name : chart (text, 2D, 3D, etc)
service name : button (text, 2D, 3D, css, flash, etc)
service name : log (text, 2D, 3D, etc)

the things must be included
- we create powerful user.

project beta clear
[project clear]

project color
web + flash server/ bigdot + dotworld/ code parser/ etc

good normal bad don't

2010.10.04 a plan A scenario/ ui design
2010.10.05 time server
2010.10.06 web server + accept thread + send thread + close event timer
2010.10.07 recv thead/ time server + rss/ ui thread
2010.10.08 connect close recv send/ max user
2010.10.09 web protocol/ domain index.html redirect
2010.10.10 time server/ chat

2010.10.11 memo/ server tuning
2010.10.12 chart/ flash server 4520 port/ connection & traffic log/ [web flash server beta]
2010.10.13 bigdot chat
2010.10.14 bmp save/ image capture/ chat scroll
2010.10.15 setpixel/ color pallet/ select room/ jpg save/ [bigdot beta]
2010.10.16 check flash code & server setting/ chart
2010.10.17 holiday

2010.10.18 mp3 video play
2010.10.19 bigdot renewal/ resize & drag window
2010.10.20 resize chat view/ etc design upgrade/ background pattern fail.... deferred bigdot renewal
2010.10.21 homepage design renewal
2010.10.22 server & bigdot protocol update
2010.10.23 fastgetpixel test/ recv send data log/ bigworld map initiative
2010.10.24 mongoose test (html5 video protocol range)/ href domain & c code parser

2010.10.25 play...
2010.10.26 play... fail... html5 video protocol range and file trans
2010.10.27 html5 video protocol range ok/ file & mapview division ok
2010.10.28 file overapped
2010.10.29 css editor
2010.10.30 css editor [css editor beta]
2010.10.31 tcp delivery [tcp delivery beta]

[ web ]
css button font text editor/ text -> html/ google map

[ flash ]
3d viewer

[ dx/ opengl ]
ui editor/ shader/ AR/ ambient occlusion

[ vc ]
stl/ timewavlet/ dct/ fft/ voice chat/ motor/ robot/ thresold/ histogram/ wav/ mp3/ math/ recognition/ transparent/ bezier/ bmp/ jpg/ hdr/ gps/ dns/ mail/ ssh/ ssl/ rtp/ 3d scan/ font/ compiler/ share memory & process/ nat/ http/ file trans/ firewall exception/ skin/ drag & drop/ web link text/ fast list control/ md5/ sha-1/ aes/ ase/ crc/ magnet link/ linked list/ fast read a big file/ UNICODE/ string parser/ file read write/ dht/ motion tracking/ uffman coding/ DEFLATE/ Berkely DB

[ money ]
banner/ message/ sale/ sponsor/ program in ads/ 

'schedule > plan A' 카테고리의 다른 글

plan A  (2) 2010.11.01